
Completed Projects:

  • Provide as needed planning board support on municipal projects such as the new Parkway design and the High School Auditorium
  • Provide review for the town on ongoing comprehensive plan amendments prior to sending them to the State for adoption
  • Staff work for the Traffic Incident Management Committee
  • Managed contract and provide staffing support for MS4 permit and the Southern Maine Stormwater working group
  • Green Enterprise Zone community and demographic analysis
  • Attended York River Study Committee meeting
  • Managed contract and provide staffing support for MS4 permit and the Southern Maine
  • Dredge Project
  • Technical Assistance to Planning Director
  • Provided technical assistance on CDBG economic development program
  • Assisted with development of the York River Watershed management plan and GIS Data
  • Assisted with circulation study of Mt. A
  • Assisted with trail planning efforts 
  • York River Watershed Study
  • ADA Curb Ramp analysis