Rural Transportation and Planning Assistance

SMPDC receives funding annually from the MaineDOT to work with rural York County municipalities on transportation related issues and activities. SMPDC staff provides transportation related technical assistance on various projects and plans such as: 

  • Transportation Inventory for Comprehensive Plans
  • Facilitating or aiding in grant writing and funding opportunities for trails, sidewalks, road work, or transit
  • Providing assistance with safety audits, data collection, planning activities, or local project management
  • Coordinating between MaineDOT and municipalities


Recent Efforts: 


Mountain Division Rail Use Advisory Council:

  • Convened by the legislature and Maine DOT, the MDT Rail Use Advisory Council was created to assess and make recommendations for the future use of the Mountain Division Rail Corridor. Paul Schumacher served as the Council Chair. 
  • Advisory Council Summary & Recommendations - May 2022