Completed Projects:
- Assisted Town with JLUS application and subsequent admin for starting grant
- Conduct traffic count at several locations in town, including at entrance to PNSY
- ADA Curb Ramp analysis
- Funded two Brownfield's assessment projects (Kittery Water District Site, Homestead Nursing home site)
- Provided technical assistance on CDBG program for an economic development project
- Assistance with business park development feasibility study
- Assistance & management of Route 236 traffic and safety study
- Provided funding for route 236 corridor study
- Office coverage
- Managed contract and provide staffing support for MS4 permit and the Southern Maine Stormwater working group
- Dredge Project
- Provided planning support for a Boardsmanship workshop
- York River Watershed Study
- Assisted in project management on Memorial Circle, Government Street and Walker/Wentworth projects
- Staff work for the Traffic Incident Management Committee
- Attend Planning Board meetings
- Work with potential planning applicant
- Frisbee Market research
- Estes Business Park review
- Housing Assistance
- BP rezone work
- Kittery Foreside report
- Cut-through/WAZE issue
- Wentworth/Walker Project
- TMC @Shipyard Gate 2
- YCCAC - Trolley efforts