Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation System


KACTS is a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) designated by federal and state government to carry out transportation planning in the Maine portion of the Portsmouth and Dover-Rochester, New Hampshire urbanized areas, which includes the municipalities of York, Kittery, Eliot, South Berwick, Berwick, Ogunquit, Wells, Kennebunk, and Kennebunkport. As an MPO, KACTS evaluates and approves proposed transportation improvement projects, in addition to facilitating communication among MPO member communities, state agencies, and federal transportation agencies. KACTS is responsible for planning for the surface transportation network, including principal and minor arterials, collector roads, bridges, rail, public transit, and facilities for biking and walking.

Short and long-range improvements are outlined in the following documents:


Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)

The TIP is a capital improvement program developed every two years in cooperation with the Maine Department of Transportation. This program results in a prioritized list of transportation projects that are submitted for federal, state and local funding, such as road resurfacing and reconstruction. Candidate projects are submitted by the member communities, and ranked through a technical scoring/project prioritization process.


Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

The plan looks to define what the region's transportation system will look like in 20 years - 2040. The plan considers projected growth in population, employment, and residential and commercial development as the basis for new policies and projects to facilitate all modes of transportation, including roads and highways, rail, public transit, and biking and walking. The MTP will be updated in 2024.


Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

KACTS provides a UPWP on a biennial basis, which identifies the work to be accomplished by the MPO staff, and planning studies requested by member communities.

The document below is our work plan for the next two years. It identifies KACTS transportation planning activities to be performed during 2022 and 2023. The KACTS Policy Committee, the Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT), and the region’s transit systems, are collaborating in the development of this two-year planning work program and budget. FHWA, FTA, state and local funds will support the majority of the tasks.


Public Involvement Plan (PIP)

The PIP outlines the strategies, approaches, and performance measures to be used to advance meaningful public involvement in KACTS’ regional transportation planning efforts.

Title 6 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

The Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation System is committed to ensuring that the fundamental principles of equal opportunity are upheld in all decisions involving our employees and contractors/consultants and in ensuring that the public-at-large is afforded access to our programs and services. Inquiries concerning KACTS policies, investigations, complaints, compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and concerns regarding compliance with Title VI/Environmental Justice may be directed to the Director, Kittery Area Comprehensive Transportation System, 110 Main Street, Suite 1400 Saco, Maine 04072, 207-571-7065.


KACTS Title VI Plan 2023-2024

KACTS Title VI: Goals and Accomplishments


If you are interested in being added to our "Interested Parties List" for public engagement, email Stephanie Carver.