Biddeford Climate Action Plan

The City of Biddeford is taking steps to reduce municipal and community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Over the next 12 months the Biddeford Climate Task Force will work to create a Climate Action Plan that will include goals and strategies to reduce emissions and adapt to the most pressing impacts of climate change.

Why Climate Change Matters to Biddeford

Founded in 1855, Biddeford is now one of Maine’s fastest growing and youngest cities. The vibrant downtown abuts the Saco River and repurposed textiles mills house many of the city’s award-winning restaurants and craft breweries. But with this growth comes new challenges, including changing transportation patterns and pressures on housing affordability that can increase emissions and compound climate change vulnerability in this coastal community. 

Inspired by State and global climate change policies, the Biddeford City Council passed a Climate Emergency Resolution acknowledging the local impacts of climate change including damaged infrastructure, loss of coastal properties, loss of tourism, reduced fisheries, and more. The Mayor established the Biddeford Climate Task Force to create an action plan that focuses on adaptation, mitigation and sustainability strategies that address the immediate and long-term effects of climate change that threaten the coastal community. 


The Climate Emergency Resolution and Biddeford Climate Task Force represent a significant step forward. The Climate Action Plan that will be developed through the cohort process will establish adaptation, mitigation, and sustainability strategies that will shape the city’s climate action efforts. Biddeford also joined the State of Maine’s Community Resilience Partnership in 2022, which present opportunities for regional and statewide collaboration as the city pursues its climate goals. Today, Biddeford is experiencing unprecedented growth and development. Biddeford has the opportunity to make sure that growth supports a resilient and low-carbon future.


Climate action at the local level will require behavioral and systemic changes to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate impacts. The biggest source of GHG emissions in Biddeford is passenger vehicle fuel use followed by heating and electricity consumption in the residential and commercial sectors. Overall, the energy used by Biddeford residents, visitors, and business for transportation, heating, and electricity accounts for 95% of Biddeford’s total emissions. It will be a challenge for the city to balance future growth and development with emission reduction goals and efforts to ensure community resilience and equitable adaptation to climate change. 

Climate Action Planning Documents

Climate Action Planning Task Force Members

Steve Reiter, Chair
Tim Boston 
Meaghan Daly
William Emhiser, City Council Representative
Beverly Thorpe 
Max Zakian 
Junelle Soucy 
Jacob Aman 
Kiara Frischkorn

Staff Liaison:
Brad Favreau, Economic Development Coordinator
