FEMA Floodplain Insurance Rate Maps


FEMA has recently announced that the new Flood Rate Insurance Maps will become effective on July 17th, 2024. These maps affect the ordinances of York and Cumberland County towns and cities. 


Communities who do not update their ordinance prior to this date will be suspended from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Participation in the NFIP provides protection to those members of your community who may be affected by flooding and allows your community to be eligible for disaster funding and low interest loans when York County is in a declared disaster area. This is all possible by way of your community’s commitment to adopt, administer, and enforce its floodplain ordinance and your commitment to regulate development within flood prone areas.


The Maine Floodplain Management Program (MFMP) provides technical assistance and resources for updating your ordinance. Your community should have received communication from them with guidance and a model ordinance for your adoption. Below are some of their resources: 


SMPDC Flood Insurance Rate Maps Webinar with MFMP - 2.13.2024

We hosted an informational webinar with staff from MFMP to provide an overview, answer questions, and highlight opportunities for incorporating flood resilience measures in your ordinance updates.