Funding & Eligibility

Available Funding for Brownfields Assessments & Cleanup

SMPDC continuously applies and receives Brownfields Grant Funding from EPA. The amount and type of funding available at any given time may vary. Please contact SMPDC for information on available funding prior to submitting an application. Below are activities that may be eligible for funding by SMPDC’s Brownfields Program.


Assessment and Cleanup Planning Activities

    • Phase I ESAs
    • Phase II ESAs
    • Hazardous Building Material Surveys
    • ABCAs (Cleanup Plans)
    • Voluntary Response Action Program (VRAP) Applications


Cleanup Activities

    • Remediation of soil, groundwater, and other environmental media
    • Abatement of hazardous building materials (asbestos, lead paint, PCBs)
    • Capping and cover systems
    • Vapor barriers and sub-slab depressurization systems
    • Closure documentation, including preparation of environmental deed restrictions


How to Apply for SMPDC’s Brownfields Funds

Please reach out to SMPDC to discuss the type and amount of funding that you are requesting, as the availability of funds varies at any given time. We encourage open conversation about your project before submittal of an application. Then, application documentation must be completed as described below.

Completed forms can be submitted via e-mail to Raegan Young at


Assessment Activities

Assessment activities may be completely or partially funded by SMPDC assessment funding, depending on available funding. SMPDC contracts with qualified environmental professionals (QEP's) to complete the work on our behalf. 

Brownfields Program Assessment Site Eligibility Checklist

SMPDC Brownfields Assessment Application


Cleanup Activities (Loans & Grants)

Cleanup activities may be funded through SMPDC's Revolving Loan Fund or grants to non-profits and municipalities. When the appropriate Site Eligibility Form is completed, it will first be reviewed by SMPDC. The form will then be sent to EPA for an eligibility determination. Note that the BRLF-B form must be accompanied by documentation as specified in the form.

SMPDC Brownfields Program RLF Site Eligibility Form (BRLF-A)

SMPDC Brownfields RLF Application for Cleanup Loans & Subgrants Long Form (BRLF-B)