
 Projects completed:
  • Provide the town support in the way of workshop items such as Roberts Rule of Order education and assisting the town’s Tax mapping with zoning and other pertinent GIS layers for the maps
  • Researched Tiny Homes, Event Venue and Mixed Use District Ordinances
  • Rewrote Code of Alfred for proposed zoning changes, Contract Zone Warrant Article
  • Developed and provided Town base map
  • Developed mixed use district ordinance and map for planning board
  • Developed Three Rivers Land Trust focus area, climate resilient landscapes, farmland, forest resources, large land ownership, recreational resources, water and wetlands, and watersheds map
  • Visited, assessed and made recommendations for safety upgrades to several high crash intersections and roadway sections (as part of effort in conjunction with MaineDOT)
  • Conducted 2 traffic counts at Gore Road intersection with 202
  • Provide information on SMPDC’s Brownfields program in relation to a jail conversion project